Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Brody is becoming such a talker lately. I just love hearing him speak and interact with adults. Here are a few of my favorites right now:

He says "Yes my am" instead of "Yes I am" Pretty much anytime he should say I he says My. It sounds so cute.

Since Jax has had RSV/Walking Pnuemonia we've either stayed with him, my mom or B's mom. The other day we were in the car and he was having a conversation with himself. It went like this:

"My daddy is at work, OH NO! I must go get him. I have 3 houses: my mommy and daddy's, my papa's and grammy's and my poppy's and nana's. Which one should I go to today?"

He will also say "seriously", "oh wow" and "cool"

Love that kiddo!


marcy said...

"Hey, hey Andy...Woooook!"