Monday, October 20, 2008

20 Week Ultrasound

Today we had our 20 week ultrasound and checkup. Everything went perfect. Baby M is getting so big and is actually measuring way ahead. He is still a boy, the tech's words were that he is definitely a boy! His head is measuring 2 weeks ahead and the rest of his body measurements are measuring on average 7-10 days little booger is already getting too big. The doc said we will just keep our eye on it and not change any due dates as of yet.

I have a video from today but its on VHS so I have to find a burner to convert to dvd and then download onto my computer. I also have 3 new pics of Brody but I'm too tired to pull out the scanner and hook it up. I'll do it this weekend and add it to my 21 week update.

We go back to the doc on November 17th for another ultrasound and checkup to see how the growth is going.

Have a great week,


Blankenship Babbles said...

Sounds like he's an over achiever already...I believe he got that trait from both Mommy & Daddy :) Brody sounds like he is having a good time in there Mom, keep doing what you're doing and he'll be here before you know...and get all the rest you can get now :) You deserve it!!!

XOXO - Mandy

Laiken's Mommy and Daddy!! said...

Glad to hear that Brody is still a boy and growing like a big boy!! I can't believe how fast it has gone by, our babies will all be here before we know it!!

Ashley said...

Glad to hear everything looks perfect with Brody!

Wolf Camera will burn VHS tapes to DVD. The specialist we saw for the fetal anatomy scan also used VHS.

Anonymous said...

we should go out & celebrate your halfway point!! :) reagan is dying to "play" with brandon!!