It’s been a very busy week it seems. This past week the baby has doubled in size even though it’s very small and I sure have been able to notice! I’ve been extremely sick this week! Nausea is no fun but I’m so thankful I’m off work right now. I think the sight of 150 7th graders would put me over the edge right now and I’d be hugging the toilet even closer. Right now I’m just standing over it saying to myself ok come up or stay down but decide either way!!! Another thing I’ve noticed is the number of trips I take to the bathroom. I can no longer sleep all night without having to get up and go to the bathroom. You know when you have to pee really bad and you’ve been holding it for awhile(pretty much every road trip I take with B and he won’t pull over b/c we had just stopped 10 minutes prior) you get goose bumps when you finally do let it out….well now I get the goose bumps and it kills my tender boobs!! It’s actually very comical in the bathroom now, B will hear wooo ahhh…woo ouch!
I’ve found something that has helped the nausea, sea bands, but I definitely look like I play dodge ball in 1980!
They aren’t cute at all but whatever makes me feel better. I also got some prego pops from Babies R Us in Ginger flavor that help a lot as well! People sure do make great inventions now-a-days. As far as the MAN who labeled it morning sickness, well he obviously had never been pregnant. The mornings are when I feel my best, it’s about noon on that I feel sick!
I went to the doctor on Friday and all looks well. We haven’t got my test results back so I’m still waiting to hear on the Factor 5. We did see the baby again and he/she has grown a ton!! It’s so amazing to sit on that table and look inside your stomach and see another person’s heart beating. It was really obvious on the screen this week. Looked a lot bigger and stronger! The baby also measured 3 days ahead but the doctor said we will keep our due date because they can measure ahead one week and the next week slow down a bit. But I’m glad our pumpkin is being an overachiever and growing ahead It’s almost an out of body experience, this whole being pregnant thing. You know that this little miracle is inside of you but yet I still can’t wrap my head around the fact that I have another person inside me. I didn’t realize you could have so much love over something that’s the size of a pinto bean. I love when B rubs my belly and talks about his child. I can’t wait to hear the heartbeat and feel the baby. I think then it will feel real! I go back to the doctor on August 25th and she should call me once the results are back on the Factor 5. It usually takes 2-3 weeks.
Here is the picture from this week. The round ball up in the corner is the yolk sac and if you look very closely you can see the baby’s foot! Grow baby Grow!!
Here is what will be happening this week:
Your embryo is now called a fetus, which means "offspring". Your uterus expands to accommodate its new resident, which now measures approximately. The embryonic tail is gone, and all organs, muscles, and nerves are beginning to function. The hands now bend at the wrist, and the feet begin to lose their webbed appearance. Eyelids are beginning to cover the eyes. The tiny person is protected by the amniotic sac, filled with fluid. Inside, the child swims and moves gracefully. The arms and legs have lengthened, and fingers can be seen. The toes will develop in the next few days.
On another note have I told y’all lately how great my 2 nephews are? They crack me up every time I’m around them and are truly a breath of fresh air. No matter how crappy I feel or what kind of mood I’m in anytime I’m around them they instantly put a smile on my face and give me so much energy! I love the fact that they have embraced my pregnancy and are so excited to see, play, and hug the new baby. Ben ask me all the time if he can take the baby out and give it a hug and then put it back inside my belly so she can grow Ben says she all the time and says it’s a girl and Andy will say he and says it’s a boy. We watched them on Friday and we were outside eating popsicles, Andy came over and said Aunt Lee, is the baby too little to get a Michael Angelo popsicle. I love these kiddos! I told him not to smile!
That's CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
Here's Andy and I chilling while watching a movie:
Another person that needs recognition would be my husband, B. He has been amazing these past weeks and I know I haven’t told him enough! Usually because I’m too hormonal to notice but he really is an amazing husband and the most exciting thing about this pregnancy is that I get to see him be an even more amazing father, thanks for loving me B…
This is B stretching for his softball game...underneath is my pregnancy books!!
Have a great week!
Park City Utah
2 years ago
Your bands are HOT!!! LOL...girl whatever makes you feel better...I hope it subsides soon :/ Sounds like little Baby Mac is growing like a weed...and um speakig of growing like a weed the boys are Huge...such cuties...they look like Trouble with a capital T *in a good way of course* :)~ Thinking of you always...
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